Who Is Elvin

In the heart of Tamarac, a nightmare lurks behind the smiling face of Commissioner Elvin Villalobos. This so-called “realtor” and “community advocate” has been unmasked as nothing more than a conniving charlatan, using his title to conceal a far more serpentine scheme!

Beneath the veneer of civic duty lies Villalobos’ true allegiance - a shadowy partnership with Koichi Saito, a notorious sovereign citizen with a reputation as rotten as last week’s leftovers!

A Devilish Alliance Drenched in Deceit

The sovereign citizen movement, a vile cesspool of government-hating loons that uses frivolous lawsuits to harass and steal, has found an insidious ally in none other than Tamarac’s own Elvin Villalobos! Villalobos and Saito are this-close, slithering together in the murky depths of ELKO FILTERING CO. LLC. Saito is also the brains behind a bewildering barrage of bogus real estate lawsuits - an industry Villalobos is well versed in...

But the real shocker? Tamarac’s very own elected official is tangled up in this treacherous web, incurring voluminous debts alongside a maniacal menace and nos getting sued for nonpayment - hell-bent on corrupting the courts and bleeding the Tamarac government dry with his schemes to milk every dime out of his elected office.

A Sinister Sovereign Citizen Scam

ELKO FILTERING CO. LLC, the dark heart of Villalobos’ empire, is more than just a “sketchy enterprise”—it’s a cash cow! As Villalobos cashes in with ELKO to the tune of 50 to 100 thousand dollars so far in 2024, his partner Saito desperately tries to steal property through a real estate scheme that claims houses “do not legally or statutorily exist” in Florida. His absurd arguments, crafted in the twisted minds of sovereign citizen conspiracists, are nothing but a thinly veiled attempt to steal property through legal trickery. The sordid saga is laid bare in the Collier County court documents (Case Nos. 11-2024-CA-001540-0001-01, 11-2023-CA-002492-0001-XX, 11-2023-CA-000138-0001-XX, and 11-2022-SC-003212-0001-XX), where Saito’s ludicrous lawsuits are laid to rest.

Villalobos has reported on his financial disclosure taking out a 6-figure taxpayer-supported loan for his business, while he and Saito were cashing out. Now, Villalobos is being sued for nonpayment of debts. Is the Federal Government next? Has he defaulted on his taxpayer supported loan, also?

His true loyalty lies not with the taxpayers, but with the dollars streaming from ELKO FILTERING CO. LLC.

More About Elvin

The Great Real Estate Ruse: A Mask of Malevolence

What about Villalobos’ real estate empire? It’s nothing but a flimsy facade! A smokescreen designed to distract from the dark dealings that truly line his pockets. According to the mandatory county income disclosure forms, Villalobos reported earning between $25,000 and $50,000 each from Interachen Realty and Omega Realty in 2022. But don’t be fooled—when you dig into Villalobos’ public real estate transactions…they are virtually non-existent. A mere three houses, totaling a paltry $747,000! Even if he got both sides of the commission, Villalobos' reported earnings don’t add up.

The truth is far from what Villalobos would have you believe and the gaping discrepancies in his financial disclosures reeks more than mount Trashmore. Adding insult to injury, Villalobos’ state-mandated financial disclosure is even more inflated – where it doesn’t even match the generously large $25,000 window the county allows you to file. This is a slap in the face to the transparency Tamarac deserves and a blatant violation of public trust. The only questions remaining are – which Villalobos financial disclosure is wrong and what is he trying to hide?

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire—and Villalobos’ real business interests are a blazing inferno!

And let’s not forget… Villalobos has reported raking in more than 6 figures from this partnership in between 2022 and now, while his real estate business withered away to nothing and he borrowed money in the name of the business. His true loyalty lies not with the citizens of Tamarac, but with the dollars streaming from ELKO FILTERING CO. LLC!

The Real Cost to Tamarac: A Treasury Torn Asunder

But now that those dollars have stopped flowing, Villalobos is busy trying to line his pockets with Tamarac taxpayers’ dollars! The main skill he seems to have acquired in office is how to get freebees. Villalobos has been using campaign funds and taxpayer resources to fund his personal escapades—fueling up on the city’s dime, feasting on fast food, and shirking his financial obligations while grinning all the way to the bank. How does he manage to donate $1,000 a month to his own campaign while dodging debts? It’s the same old story—Villalobos, like Saito, is a master of manipulation, using his power not to serve the public, but to pad his own pocketbook.

The House of Cards: Villalobos’ Sinister Scheme Exposed!

Villalobos’ involvement with Saito is more than just a disgrace—it’s a clear, blazing neon sign that this man is unfit for public office. His slithering ascent to power, built on a foundation of deceit and betrayal, is crumbling. His financial mismanagement, his corrupt dealings, and his sickening ties to the sovereign citizen movement are a stain on Tamarac that must be cleansed. The taxpayers of Tamarac have been duped long enough—it’s time to rise up and cast this corrupt charlatan out!

Tamarac, beware! Your city’s future is at stake. Will you allow this venomous viper to continue his reign of deceit? Or will you stand up, tear down his web of lies, and reclaim the integrity that Tamarac deserves? The choice is yours—but the time to act is now!

Elvin In The News